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2014 Hits

January / February / March / April / May / June
July / August / September / October / November / December

January 2014
aliciarhett.jpg runrunshaw.jpg arielsharon.jpg
1. Alicia Rhett
Died January 3, 2014
Age 98
1 hit by Worm Farmer
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
2. Run Run Shaw
Died January 7, 2014
Age 106
2 hits by Loki and RH Draney
4 points
(1 for hit + 3 for duet)
3. Ariel Sharon
Died January 11, 2014
Age 85
23 hits by Another Lurker, Charlene, Chipmunk Roasting, Dannyb, Dead People Server Curator, DGH, Direcorbie, Drunkasaskunk, Eternity Tours, Grin Reaper, Hulka, Jefferson Survives, Jim Thornton, Joan Harvey, Loki, Mark, Mo, Moldy Oldies, Monarc, Ray Arthur, The Wiz, Tim J., and Worm Farmer
5 points
maeyoung.jpg russelljohnson.jpg davemadden.jpg
4. Mae Young
Died January 14, 2014
Age 90
2 hits by Ed V and Gerard Tierney
5 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet)
5. Russell Johnson
Died January 16, 2014
Age 89
4 hits by Brigid Nelson, Grin Reaper, Headless Horseman, and Where's My Damn List?
5 points
6. Dave Madden
Died January 16, 2014
Age 82
1 hit by Pearly Gates
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
ruthduccini.jpg hirooonoda.jpg fergiefrederiksen.jpg
7. Ruth Duccini
Died January 16, 2014
Age 95
1 hit by Eternity Tours
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
8. Hiroo Onoda
Died January 16, 2014
Age 91
1 hit by Team Bubba
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
9. Fergie Frederiksen
Died January 18, 2014
Age 62
3 hits by Drunkasaskunk, Mo, and Philip
12 points
(11 for hit + 1 for trio)
claudioabbado.jpg akkineninrao.jpg peteseeger.jpg
10. Claudio Abbado
Died January 20, 2014
Age 80
1 hit by Amelia
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
11. Akkineni Nageswara Rao
Died January 22, 2014
Age 90
2 hits by Deceased Hose and WEP
5 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet)
12. Pete Seeger
Died January 27, 2014
Age 94
4 hits by Busgal, Dead People Server Curator, Jim Thornton, and Loki
2 points
13. Arthur Rankin, Jr.
Died January 30, 2014
Age 89
1 hit by Jefferson Survives
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
February 2014
ralphkiner.jpg shirleytemple.jpg derekclarke.jpg
14. Ralph Kiner
Died February 6, 2014
Age 91
4 hits by Bill Schenley, Fireball, Kixco, and TGV
2 points
15. Shirley Temple
Died February 10, 2014
Age 85
3 hits by Brigid Nelson, Charlene, and Headless Horseman
6 points
(5 for hit + 1 for trio)
16. Derek Clarke
Died February 10, 2014
Age 101
1 hit by Drunkasaskunk
6 points
(1 for hit + 5 for solo)
sidcaesar.jpg ralphwaite.jpg mikestepovich.jpg
17. Sid Caesar
Died February 12, 2014
Age 91
14 hits by Alan, Deceased Hose, Eternity Tours, Exuma, Jefferson Survives, Kathi, King Daevid, Loki, Meadow, Ray Arthur, RH Draney, TGV, Walking Dead Dude, and WCGreen
2 points
18. Ralph Waite
Died February 13, 2014
Age 85
1 hit by Meadow
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
19. Mike Stepovich
Died February 14, 2014
Age 94
1 hit by Jefferson Survives
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
marygracecanfield.jpg mavisgallant.jpg mariafranziskavontrapp.jpg
20. Mary Grace Canfield
Died February 15, 2014
Age 89
2 hits by B&T's Characters and Where's My Damn List?
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
21. Mavis Gallant
Died February 18, 2014
Age 91
1 hit by Chipmunk Roasting
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
22. Maria Franziska von Trapp
Died February 18, 2014
Age 99
1 hit by Worm Farmer
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
23. Hansi Knoteck
Died February 23, 2014
Age 99
1 hit by WEP
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
March 2014
geoffedwards.jpg mauricefaure.jpg barbrokollberg.jpg
24. Geoff Edwards
Died March 5, 2014
Age 83
1 hit by Pearly Gates
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
25. Maurice Faure
Died March 6, 2014
Age 92
1 hit by WEP
17 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo + 10 for Daily Double)
26. Barbro Kollberg
Died March 6, 2014
Age 96
1 hit by WEP
17 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo + 10 for Daily Double)
sheilamacrae.jpg joemcginniss.jpg deanbailey.jpg
27. Sheila MacRae
Died March 6, 2014
Age 92
1 hit by Keister Button
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
28. Joe McGinniss
Died March 10, 2014
Age 71
1 hit by Hulka
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
29. Dean Bailey
Died March 11, 2014
Age 47
1 hit by Philip
23 points
(18 for hit + 5 for solo)
richardcoogan.jpg fredphelps.jpg adolfosuarez.jpg
30. Richard Coogan
Died March 12, 2014
Age 99
1 hit by Keister Button
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
31. Fred Phelps
Died March 20, 2014
Age 84
7 hits by Deceased Hose, Ed V, Hulka, Jefferson Survives, Lurker3791, Tim J., and WCGreen
5 points
32. Adolfo Suarez
Died March 23, 2014
Age 81
1 hit by Mo
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
ralphwilson.jpg astavender.jpg charleskeating.jpg
33. Ralph Wilson
Died March 25, 2014
Age 94
2 hits by Exuma and Worm Farmer
5 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet)
34. Asta Vender
Died March 26, 2014
Age 97
1 hit by WEP
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
35. Charles Keating
Died March 31, 2014
Age 90
2 hits by Fireball and Kathi
5 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet)
April 2014
mickeyrooney.jpg fredho.jpg gabrielgarciamarquez.jpg
36. Mickey Rooney
Died April 6, 2014
Age 93
13 hits by Alan, Busgal, Dead People Server Curator, Exuma, Garrett, Headless Horseman, Joan Harvey, Kathi, King Daevid, Moldy Oldies, RH Draney, Walking Dead Dude, and Where's My Damn List?
2 points
37. Fred Ho
Died April 12, 2014
Age 56
1 hit by Gerard Tierney
19 points
(14 for hit + 5 for solo)
38. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Died April 17, 2014
Age 87
3 hits by Chaptal, Direcorbie, and Walking Dead Dude
6 points
(5 for hit + 1 for trio)
conniemarrero.jpg sandyjardine.jpg titovilanova.jpg
39. Connie Marrero
Died April 23, 2014
Age 102
1 hit by Bill Schenley
6 points
(1 for hit + 5 for solo)
40. Sandy Jardine
Died April 24, 2014
Age 65
3 hits by Deceased Hose, Gerard Tierney, and Mo
12 points
(11 for hit + 1 for trio)
41. Tito Vilanova
Died April 25, 2014
Age 45
5 hits by Allezblancs, Bill Schenley, Deceased Hose, Dianagram, and Keister Button
18 points
jackramsay.jpg walterwalsh.jpg
42. Jack Ramsay
Died April 28, 2014
Age 89
5 hits by Bill Schenley, Deceased Hose, Drunkasaskunk, Ed V, and Gerard Tierney
5 points
43. Walter Walsh
Died April 29, 2014
Age 106
1 hit by Eternity Tours
6 points
(1 for hit + 5 for solo)
May 2014

howardsmith.jpg efremzimbalistjr.jpg marystewart.jpg
44. Howard Smith
Died May 1, 2014
Age 77
1 hit by Gerard Tierney
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
45. Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.
Died May 2, 2014
Age 95
7 hits by Brigid Nelson, Chipmunk Roasting, Grim McGraw, Kixco, Koko-Moxie, Team Bubba, and The Wiz
2 points
46. Mary Stewart
Died May 9, 2014
Age 97
1 hit by Worm Farmer
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
wubboockels.jpg jerryvale.jpg wojciechjaruzelski.jpg
47. Wubbo Ockels
Died May 18, 2014
Age 68
2 hits by Deceased Hose and Gerard Tierney
14 points
(11 for hit + 3 for duet)
48. Jerry Vale
Died May 18, 2014
Age 83
1 hit by Pearly Gates
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
49. Wojciech Jaruzelski
Died May 25, 2014
Age 90
7 hits by Allen Kirshner, Deceased Hose, Drunkasaskunk, Jefferson Survives, Pat Peeve, Philip, and The Wiz
2 points
mayaangelou.jpg karlheinzbohm.jpg
50. Maya Angelou
Died May 28, 2014
Age 86
2 hits by Dianagram and Headless Horseman
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
51. Karlheinz Bohm
Died May 29, 2014
Age 86
1 hit by Garrett
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
June 2014
alexandershulgin.jpg docneeson.jpg donzimmer.jpg
52. Alexander Shulgin
Died June 2, 2014
Age 89
1 hit by Hulka
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
53. Doc Neeson
Died June 4, 2014
Age 67
3 hits by Allen Kirshner, Gerard Tierney, and Philip
12 points
(11 for hit + 1 for trio)
54. Don Zimmer
Died June 4, 2014
Age 83
3 hits by Pat Peeve, The Wiz, and Where's My Damn List?
6 points
(5 for hit + 1 for trio)
alexanderimich.jpg glennbritt.jpg caseykasem.jpg
55. Alexander Imich
Died June 8, 2014
Age 111
1 hit by WEP
6 points
(1 for hit + 5 for solo)
56. Glenn Britt
Died June 11, 2014
Age 65
1 hit by WEP
16 points
(11 for hit + 5 for solo)
57. Casey Kasem
Died June 15, 2014
Age 82
18 hits by Allen Kirshner, Another Lurker, Auntie B, Dead People Server Curator, Deceased Hose, Drunkasaskunk, Eternity Tours, Fireball, Grim McGraw, Hulka, Jefferson Survives, Keister Button, King Daevid, Loki, Monarc, Ray Arthur, Tim J., and Worm Farmer
5 points
tonygwynn.jpg jimbamber.jpg steverossi.jpg
58. Tony Gwynn
Died June 16, 2014
Age 54
1 hit by Mark
19 points
(14 for hit + 5 for solo)
59. Jim Bamber
Died June 20, 2014
Age 66
1 hit by Deceased Hose
16 points
(11 for hit + 5 for solo)
60. Steve Rossi
Died June 22, 2014
Age 82
1 hit by Pat Peeve
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
eliwallach.jpg howardbaker.jpg bobbywomack.jpg
61. Eli Wallach
Died June 24, 2014
Age 98
11 hits by Dianagram, Exuma, Grim McGraw, Headless Horseman, Koko-Moxie, Loki, Mark, The Wiz, Tim J., Walking Dead Dude, and Worm Farmer
2 points
62. Howard Baker
Died June 26, 2014
Age 88
1 hit by Pat Peeve
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
63. Bobby Womack
Died June 27, 2014
Age 70
2 hits by Ray Arthur and Walking Dead Dude
11 points
(8 for hit + 3 for duet)
paulmazursky.jpg bobhastings.jpg
64. Paul Mazursky
Died June 30, 2014
Age 84
2 hits by Amelia and Bill Schenley
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
65. Bob Hastings
Died June 30, 2014
Age 89
2 hits by B&T's Characters and Dead People Server Curator
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
July 2014
louiszamperini.jpg dickiejones.jpg nadinegordimer.jpg
66. Louis Zamperini
Died July 2, 2014
Age 97
1 hit by Jefferson Survives
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
67. Dickie Jones
Died July 7, 2014
Age 87
1 hit by Eternity Tours
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
68. Nadine Gordimer
Died July 13, 2014
Age 90
1 hit by Fireball
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
johnnywinter.jpg karlalbrecht.jpg elainestritch.jpg
69. Johnny Winter
Died July 16, 2014
Age 70
1 hit by Team Bubba
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
70. Karl Albrecht
Died July 16, 2014
Age 94
1 hit by Kathi
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
71. Elaine Stritch
Died July 17, 2014
Age 89
5 hits by Amelia, Dead People Server Curator, Deceased Hose, Grim McGraw, and Keister Button
5 points
jamesgarner.jpg dorabryan.jpg belkaufman.jpg
72. James Garner
Died July 19, 2014
Age 86
12 hits by Brigid Nelson, Busgal, Dead People Server Curator, Deceased Hose, DGH, Drunkasaskunk, Ed V, Exuma, Keister Button, Koko-Moxie, Mo, and The Wiz
5 points
73. Dora Bryan
Died July 23, 2014
Age 91
2 hits by Deceased Hose and Philip
5 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet)
74. Bel Kaufman
Died July 25, 2014
Age 103
2 hits by Dead People Server Curator and Fireball
4 points
(1 for hit + 3 for duet)
75. Sally Farmiloe
Died July 28, 2014
Age 60
6 hits by Allen Kirshner, Allezblancs, Deceased Hose, Drunkasaskunk, Ed V, and Gerard Tierney
11 points
August 2014
petevanwieren.jpg jamesbrady.jpg chapmanpincher.jpg
76. Pete van Wieren
Died August 2, 2014
Age 69
1 hit by Tim J.
16 points
(11 for hit + 5 for solo)
77. James Brady
Died August 4, 2014
Age 73
1 hit by Busgal
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
78. Chapman Pincher
Died August 6, 2014
Age 100
1 hit by Drunkasaskunk
6 points
(1 for hit + 5 for solo)
ednelson.jpg raymondgravel.jpg laurenbacall.jpg
79. Ed Nelson
Died August 8, 2014
Age 85
1 hit by Kixco
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
80. Raymond Gravel
Died August 11, 2014
Age 61
1 hit by Allen Kirshner
16 points
(11 for hit + 5 for solo)
81. Lauren Bacall
Died August 12, 2014
Age 89
4 hits by Busgal, Exuma, Walking Dead Dude, and Where's My Damn List?
5 points
liciaalbanese.jpg jamesalexandergordon.jpg donpardo.jpg
82. Licia Albanese
Died August 15, 2014
Age 105
1 hit by Eternity Tours
6 points
(1 for hit + 5 for solo)
83. James Alexander Gordon
Died August 18, 2014
Age 78
1 hit by Allezblancs
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
84. Don Pardo
Died August 18, 2014
Age 96
8 hits by Ed V, Kathi, Keister Button, Kixco, Loki, Moldy Oldies, RH Draney, and Where's My Damn List?
2 points
albertreynolds.jpg richardattenborough.jpg peterstursberg.jpg
85. Albert Reynolds
Died August 21, 2014
Age 81
3 hits by Another Lurker, Gerard Tierney, and Jefferson Survives
6 points
(5 for hit + 1 for trio)
86. Richard Attenborough
Died August 24, 2014
Age 90
7 hits by Allen Kirshner, Allezblancs, Bill Schenley, Chipmunk Roasting, Dead People Server Curator, Deceased Hose, and Sarndra
2 points
87. Peter Stursberg
Died August 31, 2014
Age 101
1 hit by Grin Reaper
21 points
(1 for hit + 5 for solo + 15 for birthday)
September 2014
gustavocerati.jpg joanrivers.jpg stefangierasch.jpg
88. Gustavo Cerati
Died September 4, 2014
Age 55
1 hit by Ed V
19 points
(14 for hit + 5 for solo)
89. Joan Rivers
Died September 4, 2014
Age 81
2 hits by Grim McGraw and Jim Thornton
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
90. Stefan Gierasch
Died September 6, 2014
Age 88
1 hit by Garrett
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
goosegonsoulin.jpg ianpaisley.jpg johnbardon.jpg
91. Goose Gonsoulin
Died September 8, 2014
Age 76
1 hit by Gerard Tierney
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
92. Ian Paisley
Died September 12, 2014
Age 88
2 hits by Charlene and Loki
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
93. John Bardon
Died September 12, 2014
Age 75
1 hit by Drunkasaskunk
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
nicholasromanov.jpg pollybergen.jpg georgesluizer.jpg
94. Nicholas Romanov
Died September 15, 2014
Age 91
1 hit by Kathi
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
95. Polly Bergen
Died September 20, 2014
Age 84
2 hits by Koko-Moxie and Lights Out!
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
96. George Sluizer
Died September 20, 2014
Age 82
1 hit by Chaptal
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
deborahmitfordcavendish.jpg dannieabse.jpg warrenanderson.jpg
97. Deborah Mitford Cavendish
Died September 24, 2014
Age 94
1 hit by Charlene
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
98. Dannie Abse
Died September 28, 2014
Age 91
1 hit by Amelia
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
99. Warren Anderson
Died September 29, 2014
Age 92
1 hit by Tim J.
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
October 2014
jeanclaudeduvalier.jpg paulrevere.jpg lyndabellingham.jpg
100. Jean-Claude Duvalier
Died October 4, 2014
Age 63
1 hit by Lurker3791
16 points
(11 for hit + 5 for solo)
101. Paul Revere
Died October 4, 2014
Age 77
5 hits by Bill Schenley, Deceased Hose, Gerard Tierney, Mark, and Tim J.
8 points
102. Lynda Bellingham
Died October 19, 2014
Age 66
1 hit by Philip
16 points
(11 for hit + 5 for solo)
oscardelarenta.jpg goughwhitlam.jpg benbradlee.jpg
103. Oscar de la Renta
Died October 20, 2014
Age 82
1 hit by Dianagram
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
104. Gough Whitlam
Died October 21, 2014
Age 98
4 hits by Drunkasaskunk, Jefferson Survives, Kixco, and Philip
2 points
105. Ben Bradlee
Died October 21, 2014
Age 93
3 hits by Fireball, Headless Horseman, and Kixco
3 points
106. Marcia Strassman
Died October 24, 2014
Age 66
1 hit by Drunkasaskunk
16 points
(11 for hit + 5 for solo)
November 2014
tommagliozzi.jpg richardschaal.jpg orlandothomas.jpg
107. Tom Magliozzi
Died November 3, 2014
Age 77
1 hit by Lawdawg
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
108. Richard Schaal
Died November 4, 2014
Age 86
1 hit by Garrett
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
109. Orlando Thomas
Died November 9, 2014
Age 42
5 hits by Bill Schenley, Gerard Tierney, Keister Button, Philip, and The Wiz
18 points
tomasyoung.jpg marionbarry.jpg anthonydmarshall.jpg
110. Tomas Young
Died November 10, 2014
Age 35
1 hit by Direcorbie
50 points
(20 for hit + 5 for solo
+ 25 for youngest hit
111. Marion Barry
Died November 22, 2014
Age 78
1 hit by Exuma
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
112. Anthony D. Marshall
Died November 30, 2014
Age 90
2 hits by ???Mystery Guest and Koko-Moxie
5 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet)
December 2014
bobbykeys.jpg jeanbeliveau.jpg jeremythorpe.jpg
113. Bobby Keys
Died December 2, 2014
Age 70
1 hit by TGV
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
114. Jean Beliveau
Died December 2, 2014
Age 83
1 hit by Chipmunk Roasting
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
115. Jeremy Thorpe
Died December 4, 2014
Age 85
2 hits by Drunkasaskunk and Jim Thornton
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
queenfabiola.jpg maryannmobley.jpg dawnsears.jpg
116. Queen Fabiola of Belgium
Died December 5, 2014
Age 86
1 hit by Kathi
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
117. Mary Ann Mobley
Died December 9, 2014
Age 75
2 hits by Ed V and Mark
11 points
(8 for hit + 3 for duet)
118. Dawn Sears
Died December 11, 2014
Age 53
1 hit by Allen Kirshner
19 points
(14 for hit + 5 for solo)
bessmyerson.jpg robertsimpson.jpg boblanier.jpg
119. Bess Myerson
Died December 14, 2014
Age 90

1 hit by Exuma
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
120. Robert Simpson
Died December 19, 2014
Age 102
1 hit by Moldy Oldies
6 points
(1 for hit + 5 for solo)
121. Bob Lanier
Died December 20, 2014
Age 89
1 hit by Team Bubba
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
williamjfishman.jpg albertaadams.jpg dickdale.jpg
122. William J. Fishman
Died December 22, 2014
Age 93
1 hit by Amelia
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
123. Alberta Adams
Died December 25, 2014
Age 97
1 hit by WEP
17 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo
+ 10 year-end bonus
124. Dick Dale
Died December 26, 2014
Age 88

1 hit by Dianagram
20 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo
+ 10 year-end bonus)
luiserainer.jpg yolandedonlan.jpg arthurvalerianwellesley.jpg
125. Luise Rainer
Died December 30, 2014
Age 104

6 hits by Dead People Server Curator, Eternity Tours, Joan Harvey, Loki, Moldy Oldies, and The Wiz
11 points
(1 for hit + 10 year-end bonus)
126. Yolande Donlan
Died December 30, 2014
Age 94

1 hit by WEP
17 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo
+ 10 year-end bonus)
127. Arthur Valerian Wellesley
Died December 31, 2014
Age 99

1 hit by Charlene
17 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo
+ 10 year-end bonus)

All content (c) 2005-2014 alt.obituaries Deadpool. All rights reserved.