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2020 Hits

***Click here to go to the bottom of the page to see the most recent hits.***

January / February / March / April / May / June
July / August / September / October / November / December

January 2020
1. David Stern
Died January 1, 2020
Age 77

4 hits by Grin Reaper, Loki, Monarc, and Worm Farmer
8 points

 2. Don Larsen
Died January 1, 2020
Age 90

3 hits by Go the Distance, Happy No Year, and WIZ
3 points
(2 for hit + 1 for trio)

3. Sam Wyche
Died January 2, 2020
Age 74

1 hit by Monarc
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
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4. Tom Long
Died January 4, 2020
Age 51

1 hit by Morlock
19 points
(14 for hit + 5 for solo)
5. Buck Henry
Died January 8, 2020
Age 89

2 hits by Exuma and Ray Arthur
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
6. Edd Byrnes
Died January 8, 2020
Age 86

1 hit by Koko-Moxie
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
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7. Pete Dye
Died January 9, 2020
Age 94

1 hit by Worm Farmer
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
8. John Crosbie
Died January 10, 2020
Age 88

1 hit by Grin Reaper
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
9. Sultan Qaboos of Oman
Died January 10, 2020
Age 79

9 hits by Book, Captain Chorizo 2020, Faucheuse, gcreptile, Gerard Tierney, Joey Russ, Morlock, Pan Breed, and Skinny Kiltrunner
8 points
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10. Roger Scruton
Died January 12, 2020
Age 75

13 hits by Banana, Book, Cancerous Hatred, Captain Chorizo 2020, EtushIsPushingUpDaisies, Faucheuse, gcreptile, Joey Russ, Morlock, Old Crem, Pan Breed, Skinny Kiltrunner, and Toast
8 points
11. Joseph Hannesschlager
Died January 20, 2020
Age 57
3 hits by Banana, Cancerous Hatred, and WEP
15 points
(14 for hit + 1 for trio)
12. Terry Jones
Died January 21, 2020
Age 77

17 hits by Banana, Captain Chorizo 2020, Dead People Server, Deceased Hose, Eternity Tours, EtushIsPushingUpDaisies, Faucheuse, gcreptile, Joey Russ, Keister Button, Monarc, Old Crem, Pan Breed, TJS, Toast, Tom Tom Telekom, and UnknownMan
8 points
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13. John Karlen
Died January 22, 2020
Age 86

1 hit by Kixco
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
14. Rob Rensenbrink
Died January 24, 2020
Age 72

1 hit by Pan Breed
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
15. Bob Shane
Died January 26, 2020
Age 85

1 hit by Hulka
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
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16. Jack Burns
Died January 27, 2020
Age 86

2 hits by TJS and Where's My Damn List?
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
17. Nicholas Parsons
Died January 28, 2020
Age 96

2 hits by Old Crem and Tom Tom Telekom
5 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet)
18. Chris Doleman
Died January 28, 2020
Age 58

17 hits by Allen Kirshner, Banana, Book, Cancerous Hatred, Captain Chorizo 2020, Deceased Hose, Faucheuse, Fisher, gcreptile, Joey Russ, LXIX, Morlock, Pan Breed, Skinny Kiltrunner, TJS, UnknownMan, and Year O Thee Dead
14 points
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19. John Andretti
Died January 30, 2020
Age 56

19 hits by Allen Kirshner (Daily Double), Banana, Book, Cancerous Hatred, Captain Chorizo 2020 (Daily Double), Deceased Hose, EtushIsPushingUpDaisies, Fisher, Gerard Tierney, Joey Russ (Daily Double), Keister Button, LXIX, Morlock, Pan Breed, Skinny Kiltrunner, Toast, Tom Tom Telekom, UnknownMan, and WEP
14 points
20. Jorn Donner
Died January 30, 2020
Age 86

1 hit by Captain Chorizo 2020
20 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo
+ 10 for Daily Double)
21. Lucien Barbarin
Died January 30, 2020
Age 63

2 hits by Allen Kirshner and Joey Russ
24 points
(11 for hit + 3 for duet
+ 10 for Daily Double)
22. Mary Higgins Clark
Died January 31, 2020
Age 92

1 hit by White Trash Fabulous
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
February 2020
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23. Bernard Ebbers
Died February 2, 2020
Age 78

2 hits by Captain Chorizo 2020 and Skinny Kiltrunner
11 points
(8 for hit + 3 for duet)
24. Willie Wood
Died February 3, 2020
Age 83

1 hit by Year O Thee Dead
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
25. Daniel arap Moi
Died February 4, 2020
Age 95

8 hits by Deceased Hose, EtushIsPushingUpDaisies, Fisher, gcreptile, OldLady, Skinny Kiltrunner, Tom Tom Telekom, and UnknownMan
2 points
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26. Asa Branca
Died February 4, 2020
Age 57

2 hits by Gerard Tierney and Morlock
17 points
(14 for hit + 3 for duet)
27. Kirk Douglas
Died February 5, 2020
Age 103

20 hits by Book, Charlene, dannyb, Dead People Server, Dianagram, Eternity Tours, EtushIsPushingUpDaisies, Exuma, Koko-Moxie, Loki, Mischief Girl, Montana Frog, Old Crem, OldLady, Ray Arthur, TJS, Tom Tom Telekom, UnknownMan, White Trash Fabulous, and WIZ
1 point
28. Jhon "Popeye" Velasquez
Died February 6, 2020
Age 57

2 hits by Banana and gcreptile
17 points
(14 for hit + 3 for duet)
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29. Orson Bean
Died February 7, 2020
Age 91

2 hits by Alan and Lights Out!
5 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet)
30. Dave McCoy
Died February 8, 2020
Age 104

1 hit by Where's My Damn List?
6 points
(1 for hit + 5 for solo)
31. Marge Redmond
Died February 10, 2020
Age 95

1 hit by Fireball
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
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32. Francois Andre
Died February 11, 2020
Age 52

1 hit by Cancerous Hatred
19 points
(14 for hit + 5 for solo)
33. A. E. Hotchner
Died February 15, 2020
Age 102

1 hit by Dead People Server
6 points
(1 for hit + 5 for solo)
34. Mickey Wright
Died February 17, 2020
Age 85

1 hit by Fireball
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
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35. Henry Gray
Died February 17, 2020
Age 95

4 hits by Allen Kirshner, Gerard Tierney, Pan Breed, and Worm Farmer
2 points
36. Sonja Ziemann
Died February 17, 2020
Age 94

1 hit by Starbalts
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
37. John "Sonny" Franzese
Died February 24, 2020
Age 103

1 hit by Deceased Hose
6 points
(1 for hit + 5 for solo)
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38. Katherine Johnson
Died February 24, 2020
Age 101

2 hits by Dead People Server and TJS
4 points
(1 for hit + 3 for duet)
39. Diana Serra Cary
Died February 24, 2020
Age 101

2 hits by Lights Out! and Montana Frog
(1 for hit + 3 for duet)
40. Clive Cussler
Died February 24, 2020
Age 88

1 hit by Happy No Year
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
41. Hosni Mubarak
Died February 25, 2020
Age 91

6 hits by Charlene, Go the Distance, Mischief Girl, Potassium Iodide, UnknownMan, and Where's My Damn List?
2 points
42. Bob Fosko
Died February 28, 2020
Age 64

1 hit by Cancerous Hatred
16 points
(11 for hit + 5 for solo)
March 2020
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43. James Lipton
Died March 2, 2020
Age 93

1 hit by Grim McGraw
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
44. Javier Perez de Cuellar
Died March 4, 2020
Age 100

6 hits by OldLady, TGV, Tom Tom Telekom, UnknownMan, Where's My Damn List?, and WIZ
1 point
45. Henri Richard
Died March 6, 2020
Age 84

3 hits by Banana, Gerard Tierney, and Grin Reaper
6 points
(5 for hit + 1 for trio)
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46. Max von Sydow
Died March 8, 2020
Age 90

2 hits by Kixco and Pearly Gates
5 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet)
47. Dana Zatopkova
Died March 13, 2020
Age 97

1 hit by Starbalts
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
48. Genesis P-Orridge
Died March 14, 2020
Age 70

21 hits by Allen Kirshner, Banana, Book, Cancerous Hatred, Captain Chorizo 2020, Deceased Hose, EtushIsPushingUpDaisies, Faucheuse, Fisher, gcreptile, Hulka, Joey Russ, Keister Button, Morlock, Pan Breed, Skinny Kiltrunner, TJS, Toast, Tom Tom Telekom, UnknownMan, and Worm Farmer
8 points
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49. Suzy Delair
Died March 15, 2020
Age 102

1 hit by Faucheuse
6 points
(1 for hit + 5 for solo)
50. Stuart Whitman
Died March 16, 2020
Age 92

1 hit by Lights Out!
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
51. Johny Voners
Died March 17, 2020
Age 74

1 hit by Banana
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
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52. Johnny Harris
Died March 20, 2020
Age 87

2 hits by gcreptile and Pan Breed
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
53. Kenny Rogers
Died March 20, 2020
Age 81

4 hits by Eternity Tours, Fisher, Pat Peeve, and Worm Farmer
5 points
54. Ignacio Trelles
Died March 24, 2020
Age 103

1 hit by Faucheuse
6 points
(1 for hit + 5 for solo)
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55. Jimmy Wynn
Died March 26, 2020
Age 78

1 hit by Ed V.
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
56. Joseph Lowery
Died March 27, 2020
Age 98

1 hit by Deceased Hose
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
57. Tom Coburn
Died March 28, 2020
Age 72

1 hit by Dianagram
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
58. Barbara Rutting
Died March 28, 2020
Age 92

1 hit by Starbalts
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)

59. Krzysztof Penderecki
Died March 29, 2020
Age 86

1 hit by Garrett
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
April 2020
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60. Bucky Pizzarelli
Died April 1, 2020
Age 94

1 hit by Garrett
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
61. Honor Blackman
Died April 5, 2020
Age 94

3 hits by Keister Button, Old Crem, and Pearly Gates
3 points
(2 for hit + 1 for trio)
62. James Drury
Died April 6, 2020
Age 85

1 hit by Ray Arthur
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
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63. Al Kaline
Died April 6, 2020
Age 85

2 hits by Charlene and Ed V.
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
64. John Prine
Died April 7, 2020
Age 73

2 hits by Dianagram and TGV
11 points
(8 for hit + 3 for duet)
65. Herb Stempel
Died April 7, 2020
Age 93

1 hit by Grim McGraw
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
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66. Nobuhiko Obayashi
Died April 10, 2020
Age 82

3 hits by Captain Chorizo 2020, Pan Breed, and Skinny Kiltrunner
6 points
(5 for hit + 1 for trio)
67. Wynn Handman
Died April 11, 2020
Age 97

1 hit by Chipmunk Roasting
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
68. Peter Bonetti
Died April 12, 2020
Age 78

1 hit by gcreptile
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
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69. Stirling Moss
Died April 12, 2020
Age 90

8 hits by Deceased Hose, Fisher, Loki, OldLady, TGV, Toast, Tom Tom Telekom, and UnknownMan
2 points
70. Brian Dennehy
Died April 15, 2020
Age 81

2 hits by Jazz Vulture and TGV
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
71. Howard Finkel
Died April 16, 2020
Age 69

1 hit by Captain Chorizo 2020
16 points
(11 for hit + 5 for solo)
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72. Steve Dalkowski
Died April 19, 2020
Age 80

1 hit by Go the Distance
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
73. Ronan O'Rahilly
Died April 20, 2020
Age 79

1 hit by Gerard Tierney
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
74. Michael Robinson
Died April 28, 2020
Age 61

6 hits by Allen Kirshner, Book, Deceased Hose, Gerard Tierney, Morlock, and WEP
11 points
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75. Jill Gascoine
Died April 28, 2020
Age 83

5 hits by Fisher, Old Crem, Toast, Tom Tom Telekom, and Worm Farmer
5 points
76. Bobby Lewis
Died April 28, 2020
Age 95

1 hit by Ray Arthur
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
77. Irrfan Khan
Died April 29, 2020
Age 53

1 hit by Denise
19 points
(14 for hit + 5 for solo)
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78. Janis Lusis
Died April 29, 2020
Age 80

1 hit by Banana
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
79. Denis Goldberg
Died April 29, 2020
Age 87

2 hits by Skinny Kiltrunner and Year O Thee Dead
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
80. Matty Simmons
Died April 29, 2020
Age 93

1 hit by Hulka
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
81. Sam Lloyd
Died April 30, 2020
Age 56

9 hits by Allen Kirshner, Book, Cancerous Hatred, Chipmunk Roasting, Deceased Hose, Fisher, Morlock, UnknownMan, and WEP
14 points
May 2020
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82. Don Shula
Died May 4, 2020
Age 90

3 hits by Exuma, Happy No Year, and wcgreen
3 points
(2 for hit + 1 for trio)
83. Roy Horn
Died May 8, 2020
Age 75

1 hit by Loki
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
84. Little Richard
Died May 9, 2020
Age 87

13 hits by Book, Busgal, Eternity Tours, Faucheuse, Fireball, Grin Reaper, Johnsbowers, Kathi, Old Crem, OldLady, Ray Arthur, TJS, and Worm Farmer
5 points
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85. Jerry Stiller
Died May 11, 2020
Age 92

5 hits by Book, Chaptal, Eternity Tours, Happy No Year, and Kathi
2 points
86. Michel Piccoli
Died May 12, 2020
Age 94

1 hit by Starbalts
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
87. Bob Watson
Died May 14, 2020
Age 74

2 hits by Ed V. and Skinny Kiltrunner
11 points
(8 for hit + 3 for duet)
fredwillard.jpg moniquemercure.jpg williek.jpg
88. Fred Willard
Died May 15, 2020
Age 86

1 hit by Charlene
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
89. Monique Mercure
Died May 16, 2020
Age 89

1 hit by Jesse's Girls and Boys
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
90. Willie K
Died May 18, 2020
Age 59

1 hit by Joey Russ
19 points
(14 for hit + 5 for solo)
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91. Luigi Simoni
Died May 22, 2020
Age 81

1 hit by Pan Breed
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
92. Jerry Sloan
Died May 22, 2020
Age 78

3 hits by Captain Chorizo 2020, gcreptile, and Gerard Tierney
9 points
(8 for hit + 1 for trio)
93. Jimmy Cobb
Died May 24, 2020
Age 91

1 hit by Garrett
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
stanleyho.jpg peggypope.jpg claudeheater.jpg
94. Stanley Ho
Died May 26, 2020
Age 98

1 hit by Deceased Hose
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
95. Peggy Pope
Died May 27, 2020
Age 91

1 hit by B&T's Characters
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
96. Claude Heater
Died May 28, 2020
Age 92

1 hit by TJS
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
97. Michel Gauthier
Died May 30, 2020
Age 70

3 hits by Allen Kirshner, Banana, and Cancerous Hatred
9 points
(8 for hit + 1 for trio)
June 2020
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98. Majek Fashek
Died June 1, 2020
Age 57

3 hits by Morlock, Pan Breed, and Worm Farmer
15 points
(14 for hit + 1 for trio)
99. Abdelmalek Droukdel
Died June 3, 2020
Age 50

1 hit by Lurker3791
19 points
(14 for hit + 5 for solo)
100. Maggie Fitzgibbon
Died June 8, 2020
Age 91

1 hit by Year O Thee Dead
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
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101. Ian Taylor
Died June 8, 2020
Age 64

1 hit by Gerard Tierney
16 points
(11 for hit + 5 for solo)
102. Anita Linda
Died June 10, 2020
Age 95

1 hit by Year O Thee Dead
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
103. Mr. Wrestling II
Died June 10, 2020
Age 85

1 hit by Ed V.
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
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104. Rosa Maria Sarda
Died June 11, 2010
Age 78

2 hits by Banana and gcreptile
11 points
(8 for hit + 3 for duet)
105. Jean Kennedy Smith
Died June 17, 2020
Age 92

1 hit by Mr Catfish
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
106. Vera Lynn
Died June 18, 2020
Age 103

7 hits by EtushIsPushingUpDaisies, Loki, Moldy Oldies, Old Crem, Ray Arthur, Toast, and Tom Tom Telekom
1 point
clausbiederstaedt.jpgianholm.jpg mariancisovsky.jpg
107. Claus Biederstaedt
Died June 18, 2020
Age 91

1 hit by Starbalts
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
108. Ian Holm
Died June 19, 2020
Age 88

1 hit by Toast
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
109. Marian Cisovsky
Died June 28, 2020
Age 40

2 hits by Joey Russ and WEP
46 points
(18 for hit + 3 for duet
 + 25 for youngest hit
bennymardones.jpg carlreiner.jpgjohnnymandel.jpg
110. Benny Mardones
Died June 29, 2020
Age 73

1 hit by Allen Kirshner
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
111. Carl Reiner
Died June 29, 2020
Age 98

10 hits by Alan, Busgal, Chipmunk Roasting, Eternity Tours, Jason, Kathi, Koko-Moxie, Lights Out!, Tom Tom Telekom, and WIZ
2 points
112. Johnny Mandel
Died June 29, 2020
Age 94

1 hit by Keister Button
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
July 2020
evertonweekes.jpghughdowns.jpg enniomorricone.jpg
113. Everton Weekes
Died July 1, 2020
Age 95

1 hit by Jesse's Girls and Boys
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
114. Hugh Downs
Died July 1, 2020
Age 99

7 hits by Exuma, Go the Distance, Kathi, Loki, Moldy Oldies, Pearly Gates, and WIZ
2 points
115. Ennio Morricone
Died July 6, 2020
Age 91

2 hits by OldLady and Pearly Gates
5 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet)
charliedaniels.jpg judydyble.jpg frankpopper.jpg
116. Charlie Daniels
Died July 6, 2020
Age 83

3 hits by Johnsbowers, Team Bubba, and TGV
6 points
(5 for hit + 1 for trio)
117. Judy Dyble
Died July 12, 2020
Age 71

5 hits by Cancerous Hatred, Captain Chorizo 2020, Gerard Tierney, Joey Russ, and Toast
8 points
118. Frank Popper
Died July 12, 2020
Age 102

1 hit by Starbalts
6 points
(1 for hit + 5 for solo)
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119. Tony Taylor
Died July 16, 2020
Age 84

1 hit by Ed V.
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
120. Ken Chinn
Died July 16, 2020
Age 57

1 hit by Hulka
19 points
(14 for hit + 5 for solo)
121. John Lewis
Died July 17, 2020
Age 80

20 hits by Banana, Charlene, Dead People Server, Denise, Dianagram, Eternity Tours, Go the Distance, Grim McGraw, Jazz Vulture, Kathi, Keister Button, Kixco, Loki, Mischief Girl, Monarc, Old Crem, Potassium Iodide, Ray Arthur, TGV, and WEP
5 points
lonedybkjaer.jpg jacquelinescott.jpg oliviadehavilland.jpg
122. Lone Dybkjaer
Died July 20, 2020
Age 80

1 hit by Cancerous Hatred
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
123. Jacqueline Scott
Died July 23, 2020
Age 89
1 hit by Kixco
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
124. Olivia de Havilland
Died July 25, 2020
Age 104

17 hits by Book, Charlene, Chipmunk Roasting, Dead People Server, Dianagram, Eternity Tours, Go the Distance, Kathi, Loki, Moldy Oldies, Montana Frog, Old Crem, TGV, TJS, Tom Tom Telekom, UnknownMan, and WIZ
1 point
125. Lou Henson
Died July 25, 2020
Age 88

2 hits by Deceased Hose and Denise
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
126. Lee Teng-hui
Died July 30, 2020
Age 97

1 hit by Charlene
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
August 2020
rickeydixon.jpgwilfordbrimley.jpg johnhume.jpg
127. Rickey Dixon
Died August 1, 2020
Age 53

2 hits by Keister Button and LXIX
17 points
(14 for hit + 3 for duet)
128. Wilford Brimley
Died August 1, 2020
Age 85

8 hits by B&T's Characters, dannyb, Fireball, Jason, Lights Out!, Moldy Oldies, Montana Frog, and WIZ
5 points
129. John Hume
Died August 3, 2020
Age 83

3 hits by Faucheuse, Old Crem, and Toast
6 points
(5 for hit + 1 for trio)
petehamill.jpg alauddinali.jpg jameskamalaharris.jpg
130. Pete Hamill
Died August 5, 2020
Age 85

1 hit by dannyb
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
131. Alauddin Ali
Died August 9, 2020
Age 67

2 hits by Banana and Joey Russ
14 points
(11 for hit + 3 for duet)
132. James "Kamala" Harris
Died August 9, 2020
Age 70

3 hits by Deceased Hose, Faucheuse, and Monarc
9 points
(8 for hit + 1 for trio)
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133. Sumner Redstone
Died August 11, 2020
Age 97

7 hits by Eternity Tours, Fireball, Loki, Mischief Girl, Skinny Kiltrunner, TJS, and wcgreen
2 points
134. Jim Thompson
Died August 14, 2020
Age 84

1 hit by Alan
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
135. Richard Gwyn
Died August 15, 2020
Age 86

1 hit by Chipmunk Roasting
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
dalehawerchuk.jpg sladegorton.jpg frankiebanali.jpg
136. Dale Hawerchuk
Died August 18, 2020
Age 57

3 hits by Cancerous Hatred, Charlene, and Joey Russ
15 points
(14 for hit + 1 for trio)
137. Slade Gorton
Died August 19, 2020
Age 92

1 hit by Ed V.
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
138. Frankie Banali
Died August 20, 2020
Age 68

22 hits by Allen Kirshner, Banana, Book, Cancerous Hatred, Captain Chorizo 2020, Deceased Hose, EtushIsPushingUpDaisies, Fisher, gcreptile, Gerard Tierney, Go the Distance, Hulka, Joey Russ, Keister Button, Monarc, Morlock, Pan Breed, Skinny Kiltrunner, Tom Tom Telekom, UnknownMan, WEP, and Worm Farmer
11 points
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139. Allan Rich
Died August 20, 2020
Age 94

1 hit by B&T's Characters
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
140. Lute Olson
Died August 27, 2020
Age 85

1 hit by Exuma
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
141. Tom Seaver
Died August 31, 2020
Age 75

4 hits by Ed V., Eternity Tours, Exuma, and Monarc
8 points
September 2020
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142. Boris Klyuyev
Died September 1, 2020
Age 76

1 hit by Cancerous Hatred
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
143. Lou Brock
Died September 6, 2020
Age 81

3 hits by Charlene, Ed V., and Go the Distance
6 points
(5 for hit + 1 for trio)
144. Bill Gates Sr.
Died September 14, 2020
Age 94

2 hits by Dead People Server and Koko-Moxie
5 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet)
patsmullen.jpgstanleycrouch.jpg ruthbaderginsburg.jpg
145. Pat Smullen
Died September 15, 2020
Age 43

10 hits by Allen Kirshner, Banana, Captain Chorizo 2020, Deceased Hose, gcreptile, Joey Russ, Morlock, Pan Breed, Skinny Kiltrunner, and Toast
18 points
146. Stanley Crouch
Died September 16, 2020
Age 74

1 hit by Pan Breed
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
147. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Died September 18, 2020
Age 87

20 hits by Book, Busgal, Dianagram, Eternity Tours, EtushIsPushingUpDaisies, Happy No Year, Jazz Vulture, Kathi, Keister Button, Mischief Girl, Moldy Oldies, Monarc, Old Crem, OldLady, Potassium Iodide, TGV, TJS, Tom Tom Telekom, UnknownMan, and White Trash Fabulous
5 points
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148. Lee Kerslake
Died September 19, 2020
Age 73
23 hits by Allen Kirshner, Banana, Book, Captain Chorizo 2020, Deceased Hose, Denise, EtushIsPushingUpDaisies, Faucheuse, Fisher, gcreptile, Gerard Tierney, Happy No Year, Hulka, Joey Russ, Keister Button, Morlock, Pan Breed, Skinny Kiltrunner, TJS, Tom Tom Telekom, UnknownMan, WEP, and Worm Farmer
8 points
149. John Turner
Died September 19, 2020
Age 91

2 hits by Charlene and Grin Reaper
5 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet)
150. Michael Lonsdale
Died September 21, 2020
Age 89

1 hit by Toast
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
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151. Arthur Ashkin
Died September 21, 2020
Age 98

1 hit by WEP
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
152. Tommy DeVito
Died September 21, 2020
Age 92

2 hits by TJS and Year O Thee Dead
5 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet)
153. Gale Sayers
Died September 23, 2020
Age 77

2 hits by Captain Chorizo 2020 and Denise
11 points
(8 for hit + 3 for duet)
154. Helen Reddy
Died September 29, 2020
Age 78

2 hits by Ed V. and Pearly Gates
11 points
(8 for hit + 3 for duet)
October 2020
bobgibson.jpg gunterdebruyn.jpg eddievanhalen.jpg
155. Bob Gibson
Died October 2, 2020
Age 84

12 hits by Allen Kirshner, Banana, Cancerous Hatred, Deceased Hose, Ed V., EtushIsPushingUpDaisies, Hulka, Keister Button, LXIX, Monarc, Morlock, and Pan Breed
5 points
156. Gunter de Bruyn
Died October 4, 2020
Age 93
1 hit by WEP
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
157. Eddie Van Halen
Died October 6, 2020
Age 65

10 hits by Charlene, Eternity Tours, Faucheuse, Hulka, Keister Button, Loki, LXIX, Morlock, Ray Arthur, and Tom Tom Telekom
11 points
tomkennedy.jpgwhiteyford.jpg mohammedrezashajarian.jpg
158. Tom Kennedy
Died October 7, 2020
Age 93

2 hits by Fireball and Pat Peeve
5 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet)
159. Whitey Ford
Died October 7, 2020
Age 91

1 hit by Pearly Gates
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
160. Mohammed-Reza Shajarian
Died October 8, 2020
Age 80

1 hit by gcreptile
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
vasilikulkov.jpgconchataferrell.jpg rhondafleming.jpg
161. Vasili Kulkov
Died October 10, 2020
Age 54

5 hits by Cancerous Hatred, EtushIsPushingUpDaisies, Joey Russ, Morlock, and Pan Breed
14 points
162. Conchata Ferrell
Died October 12, 2020
Age 77

1 hit by Jesse's Girls and Boys
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
163. Rhonda Fleming
Died October 14, 2020
Age 97

8 hits by Deceased Hose, Johnsbowers, Kixco, Moldy Oldies, UnknownMan, Where's My Damn List?, WIZ, and Worm Farmer
2 points
patriciofrez.jpg jamesrandi.jpg margechampion.jpg
164. Patricio Frez
Died October 20, 2020
Age 64

1 hit by Cancerous Hatred
16 points
(11 for hit + 5 for solo)
165. James Randi
Died October 20, 2020
Age 92

3 hits by Fisher, Pat Peeve, and WIZ
3 points
(2 for hit + 1 for trio)
166. Marge Champion
Died October 21, 2020
Age 101

1 hit by Johnsbowers
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
jerryjeffwalker.jpgrobertmurray.jpg brucereid.jpg
167. Jerry Jeff Walker
Died October 23, 2020
Age 78

1 hit by Team Bubba
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
168. Robert Murray
Died October 25, 2020
Age 80

1 hit by gcreptile
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
169. Bruce Reid
Died October 27, 2020
Age 74

2 hits by Captain Chorizo 2020 and Joey Russ
11 points
(8 for hit + 3 for duet)
paulshanley.jpg billyjoeshaver.jpg tracysmothers.jpg
170. Paul Shanley
Died October 28, 2020
Age 89

1 hit by Hulka
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
171. Billy Joe Shaver
Died October 28, 2020
Age 81

2 hits by Pat Peeve and Team Bubba
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
172. Tracy Smothers
Died October 28, 2020
Age 58

1 hit by Morlock
19 points
(14 for hit + 5 for solo)
173. Nobby Stiles
Died October 30, 2020
Age 78

9 hits by EtushIsPushingUpDaisies, Faucheuse, Fisher, gcreptile, Old Crem, OldLady, Toast, Tom Tom Telekom, and UnknownMan
8 points
174. Sean Connery
Died October 31, 2020
Age 90

5 hits by Dead People Server, Denise, Koko-Moxie, Ray Arthur, and White Trash Fabulous
2 points
November 2020
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175. Len Barry
Died November 5, 2020
Age 78

1 hit by Ray Arthur
13 points
(8 for hit + 5 for solo)
176. Norm Crosby
Died November 7, 2020
Age 93

1 hit by Pat Peeve
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
177. Alex Trebek
Died November 8, 2020
Age 80
39 hits by Allen Kirshner, Banana, Book, Cancerous Hatred, Captain Chorizo 2020, Chipmunk Roasting, Dead People Server, Deceased Hose, Denise, Dianagram, Eternity Tours, EtushIsPushingUpDaisies, Fireball (Daily Double), Fisher, Grin Reaper (Daily Double), Hulka, Jazz Vulture, Joey Russ, Kathi, Keister Button, Kixco, Loki, LXIX, Mischief Girl, Monarc, Montana Frog, Morlock, Old Crem, OldLady, Pan Breed, Potassium Iodide, Skinny Kiltrunner, TJS, Toast, Tom Tom Telekom, UnknownMan, WEP, WIZ, and Worm Farmer
5 points
howiemeeker.jpg dougsupernaw.jpg petersutcliffe.jpg
178. Howie Meeker
Died November 8, 2020
Age 97

2 hits by Fireball and Grin Reaper
15 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet + 10 for Daily Double)
179. Doug Supernaw
Died November 13, 2020
Age 60
12 hits by Allen Kirshner, Cancerous Hatred, Captain Chorizo 2020, Ed V., Faucheuse (Daily Double), gcreptile, Gerard Tierney, Hulka, Joey Russ, Pan Breed, Skinny Kiltrunner, and Tom Tom Telekom (Daily Double)
11 points
180. Peter Sutcliffe
Died November 13, 2020
Age 74

2 hits by Faucheuse and Tom Tom Telekom
21 points
(8 for hit + 3 for duet + 10 for Daily Double)
rogerjepsen.jpg armendzhigarkhanyan.jpg denadietrich.jpg
181. Roger Jepsen
Died November 13, 2020
Age 92

1 hit by Johnsbowers
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
182. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan
Died November 14, 2020
Age 85

2 hits by EtushIsPushingUpDaisies and WEP
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
183. Dena Dietrich
Died November 21, 2020
Age 91
1 hit by B&T's Characters
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
daviddinkins.jpg halketchum.jpg abbydalton.jpg
184. David Dinkins
Died November 23, 2020
Age 93

2 hits by dannyb and Eternity Tours (Daily Double)
5 points
(2 for hit + 3 for duet)
185. Hal Ketchum
Died November 23, 2020
Age 67

1 hit by Eternity Tours
26 points
(11 for hit + 5 for solo + 10 for Daily Double)
186. Abby Dalton
Died November 23, 2020
Age 88

1 hit by Book
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
diegomaradona.jpg davidprowse.jpg benbova.jpg
187. Diego Maradona
Died November 25, 2020
Age 60

1 hit by Fireball
16 points
(11 for hit + 5 for solo)
188. David Prowse
Died November 28, 2020
Age 85

3 hits by OldLady, Pearly Gates, and Worm Farmer
6 points
(5 for hit + 1 for trio)
189. Ben Bova
Died November 29, 2020
Age 88

1 hit by wcgreen
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
December 2020
warrenberlinger.jpgvalerygiscarddestaing.jpg tabarevazquez.jpg
190. Warren Berlinger
Died December 2, 2020
Age 83

1 hit by Kixco
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
191. Valery Giscard d'Estaing
Died December 2, 2020
Age 94

1 hit by Go the Distance
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
192. Tabare Vazquez
Died December 6, 2020
Age 80

6 hits by Cancerous Hatred, Captain Chorizo 2020, EtushIsPushingUpDaisies, Faucheuse, Morlock, and UnknownMan
5 points
chuckyeager.jpg gerardstokes.jpg barbarawindsor.jpg
193. Chuck Yeager
Died December 7, 2020
Age 97

8 hits by dannyb, Dead People Server, Exuma, Koko-Moxie, Pat Peeve, TJS, UnknownMan, and Where's My Damn List?
2 points
194. Gerard Stokes
Died December 8, 2020
Age 65

1 hit by Morlock
16 points
(11 for hit + 5 for solo)
195. Barbara Windsor
Died December 10, 2020
Age 83

2 hits by Charlene and Old Crem
8 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet)
gotthilffischer.jpg valentingaft.jpg charleypride.jpg
196. Gotthilf Fischer
Died December 11, 2020
Age 92

1 hit by Starbalts
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
197. Valentin Gaft
Died December 12, 2020
Age 85

1 hit by EtushIsPushingUpDaisies
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
198. Charley Pride
Died December 12, 2020
Age 86

1 hit by Jason
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
douganthony.jpg dannyhodge.jpg kcjones.jpg
199. Doug Anthony
Died December 20, 2020
Age 90

1 hit by Mr Catfish
7 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo)
200. Danny Hodge
Died December 24, 2020
Age 88
1 hit by Ed V.
10 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo)
201. K. C. Jones
Died December 25, 2020
Age 88
1 hit by Jesse's Girls and Boys
20 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo
+ 10 end-of-year bonus points)
georgeblake.jpgpierrecardin.jpg samuellittle.jpg
202. George Blake
Died December 26, 2020
Age 98
1 hit by Skinny Kiltrunner
17 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo
+ 10 end-of-year bonus points)
203. Pierre Cardin
Died December 29, 2020
Age 98
4 hits by Deceased Hose, Grim McGraw, Moldy Oldies, and Tom Tom Telekom
12 points
(2 for hit + 10 end-of-year bonus points)
204. Samuel Little
Died December 30, 2020
Age 80
2 hits by Lurker3791 and Monarc
18 points
(5 for hit + 3 for duet
+ 10 end-of-year bonus points)
eugenewright.jpg dickthornburgh.jpg
205. Eugene Wright
Died December 30, 2020
Age 97

1 hit by Go the Distance
17 points
(2 for hit + 5 for solo
+ 10 end-of-year bonus points)
206. Dick Thornburgh
Died December 31, 2020
Age 88

1 hit by Pat Peeve
20 points
(5 for hit + 5 for solo
+ 10 end-of-year bonus points)

(former AO Deadpool picks, with most recent year picked)
1. Elizabeth Wurtzel, died January 7, age 52 (2019)
2. Tom Alexander, died January 9, age 85 (2015)
3. Alun Gwynne Jones, Baron Chalfont, died January 10, age 100 (2011)
4. Jack Van Impe, died January 18, age 88 (2019)
5. Anne Cox Chambers, died January 31, age 100 (2018)
6. Robert Conrad, died February 8, age 84 (2018)
7. Freeman Dyson, died February 28, age 96 (2016)
8. Anton Coppola, died March 9, age 102 (2019)
9. Roger Mayweather, died March 17, age 58 (2019)
10. Philip W. Anderson, died March 29, age 96 (2019)
11. Manolis Glezos, died March 30, age 97 (2014)
12. Ira Einhorn, died April 3, age 79 (2018)
13. Timmy Brown, died April 4, age 82 (2018)
14. Phyllis Lyon, died April 9, age 95 (2014)
15. Balbir Singh Sr., died May 25, age 96 (2019)
16. Larry Kramer, died May 27, age 84 (2019)
17. Robert Newton Peck, died June 23, age 92 (2017)
18. Joe Sinnott, died June 25, age 93 (2013)
19. Ramon Revilla Sr., died June 26, age 93 (2009)
20. Milton Glaser, died June 26, age 91 (2012)
21. Ronnie and Donnie Galyon, died July 4, age 68 (2012)
22. Zizi Jeanmaire, died July 17, age 96 (2019)
23. Sultan Hashim Ahmad al-Tai, died July 19, age 75 (2008)
24. Regis Philbin, died July 25, age 88 (2018)
25. John Saxon, died July 25, age 83 (2008)
26. Bent Fabric, died July 28, age 95 (2014)
27. Albin Chalandon, died July 30, age 100 (2019)
28. Eric Bentley, died August 5, age 103 (2019)
29. Brent Scowcroft, died August 6, age 95 (2016)
30. Mary Hartline, died August 12, age 92 (2012)
31. John Thompson, died August 30, age 78 (2008)
32. Robert Graetz, died September 20, age 92 (2013)
33. Max Merritt, died September 24, age 79 (2009)
34. Jaswant Singh, died September 27, age 82 (2015)
35. Mac Davis, died September 29, age 78 (2018)
36. Rocco Prestia, died September 29, age 69 (2015)
37. John Creedon, died October 11, age 96 (2017)
38. Joe Morgan, died October 11, age 77 (2017)
39. John R. Reid, died October 14, age 92 (2015)
40. Frank Bough, died October 21, age 87 (2012)
41. Lee Kun-hee, died October 25, age 78 (2015)
42. Benjamin LaGuer, died November 4, age 57 (2019)
43. Jeanne Little, died November 7, age 82 (2019)
44. Ray Clemence, died November 15, age 72 (2008)
45. Rafer Johnson, died December 2, age 86 (2012)
46. David Lander, died December 4, age 73 (2011)
47. John le Carre, died December 12, age 89 (2019)
48. John Edrich, died December 23, age 83 (2015)
49. Dawn Wells, died December 30, age 82 (2019)

All content (c) 2005-2021 alt.obituaries Deadpool. All rights reserved.