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  The Hits of 2006  
1 Bill Skate 51 Rudi Carrell
2 Chuck Zink 52 June Allyson
3 Lou Rawls 53 Barnard Hughes
4 Jack Snow 54 John Spencer
5 Sidney E. Frank 55 Red Buttons
6 Shelley Winters 56 Keith LeClair
7 Ibrahim Rugova 57 Mickey Spillane
8 Fayard Nicholas 58 Philip D'Arcy Hart
9 Coretta Scott King 59 Johannes Willebrands
10 Wendy Wasserstein 60 Susan Butcher
11 Al Lewis 61 Sam White
12 Friedrich Engel 62 James Van Allen
13 Betty Friedan 63 Alfredo Stroessner
14 Joe McGuff 64 Camille Loiseau
15 Phil Brown 65 Joe Rosenthal
16 Bettie Antry Wilson 66 María Esther de Capovilla
17 Susie Gibson 67 Glenn Ford
18 Laurel Hester 68 Robert Earl Jones
19 Curt Gowdy 69 Effie Hobby
20 Octavia E. Butler 70 Peter Clentzos
21 Don Knotts 71 Mickey Hargitay
22 Darren McGavin 72 Oriana Fallaci
23 Dana Reeve 73 Patricia Kennedy Lawford
24 Gordon Parks 74 Louis-Albert Vachon
25 Slobodan Milosevic 75 Paul Hunter
26 Ken Brewer 76 Gillo Pontecorvo
27 Oleg Cassini 77 Ross Davidson
28 Bill Beutel 78 Eric Newby
29 Caspar Weinberger 79 Jane Wyatt
30 Ali Akbar Sanati 80 Red Auerbach
31 William Sloane Coffin Jr. 81 Pieter Willem Botha
32 Jean Alfred Bernard 82 William Styron
33 Alida Valli 83 Ernestine Gilbreth Carey
34 Pem Farnsworth 84 Johnny Sain
35 John Kenneth Galbraith 85 Jack Palance
36 Louis Rukeyser 86 Belinda Emmett
37 Earl Woods 87 Milton Friedman
38 Damu Smith 88 John Allan Cameron
39 Lillian Asplund 89 Willie Pep
40 Val Guest 90 Casey Coleman
41 Stanely Kunitz 91 Martha Tilton
42 Cy Feuer 92 Augusto Pinochet
43 Lloyd Bentsen 93 Lizzie Bolden
44 Abu Musab al-Zarqawi 94 Peter Boyle
45 John Tenta 95 Joe Barbera
46 Charles Haughey 96 Frank Stanton
47 Vincent Sherman 97 James Brown
48 Aaron Spelling 98 Gerald Ford
49 Patsy Ramsey 99 Saddam Hussein
50 Jan Murray
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