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Lynda Bellingham


Well, this one is right up my alley! Lynda Bellingham was an actress, who was the star of a TV advert for Oxo cubes. Actually, a whole campaign that began in the '80s and continued until the family grew up and they moved house. She's the mum, there are three kids, a nice husband (Michael Redfern), and a gravy boat. Sounds dreadful, no? Well, I just watched a whole bunch of them and they were fantastic. Well written, acted, produced, and the final one even made me cry. Just a few days ago, on Christmas Day, they re-aired the Christmas one on ITV in memory of the actress who died of colon cancer this year. 16 points for Philip on the other side of the world.

Here's the Christmas one.

Here's a nice one.

Last one.

All of them! 


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